Thursday, January 31, 2008

Once upon a time in Mad-town, I wrote a letter to KD

sometimes i wake up and wonder if i'm as much of
an alcoholic as you are...

i'm not sure that's such a bad thing.


you wanna know what livin' in the old world is like?

okay. lemme lay it on ya.

it's fuckin medieval, kate, it's fuckin'. medieval. I'm usin' every las' street hustlin' trick the thugs, skaters, n' ho's taught me when i was fuckin', fifteen? i mean, how much is too much?
these kids make me feel ill, as in, viejo, fuckin', old, kate, fuckin' seen-too-much, kinda thing. i mean.

(and this is where i take a heavy sigh)

gutenberg gave me my name. grandaddy phil, well, he was a Drucker, and in deutsche that's 'print-maker.' Cain't be no print maker if y'ain't got no press now, kin ya?" But my point is. And i don't care about the other boys. I come from a long line of information addicts. understandable, i think, for information is life and life is the hardest addiction to kick. Like Jews, the purveyors of knowledge are prone to persecution.
anyways. i have seen the future of information and it is the desert. in the desert mana falls from the heavens. Here in babylon they make you pay, kate, and i hate payin'. (sob) i'm a country boy (wail) i'm a..., (mama!).

(bebop band)
