Tuesday, July 29, 2003

things to do:

call dave

call dude from Chapt. 11

get some alcohol

work on story

my life as it is.

today was pretty much wasted - supposed to practice today, but i overslept. much to my chagrin. at least dave had cancelled. i called emily at two, supposedly so we could get together, but no contact. so i was aimless for a couple of hours until mom took me to UC, so i could burn some CDs, and then went to the buzz.

and then my day counted, because i wrote. eight more pages to Seven Virgins, i'm 3/4 of the way through the first draft. (it's the morning after, and Eliza M. has the gun. Snooker is smiling and smoking a cig).

taylor is to try out as singer for the band thursday. look forward to that. she and i are also attempting to get together an X-ray Spex tribute band. sean said he'd do sax if we couldn't find anyone else. all we need is a drummer.

bekki is coming this weekend. shall be fun. and maybe i'll get together with allison, too. she and i went thrifting yesterday, and i got a cordouroy jacket, and a smith corona typewriter in perfect condition (a total of $6). she got some purple shorts and a turntable. good times.

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