Friday, January 16, 2004

in true Hi-Fi tradition (wink wink nod nod coughthisisforyoumegscough), the top five things that my parents don't know but that i should tell them:

5) i smoke cigarettes. although, i'm thinking about smoking cigars. cringe all you want. i enjoy them.

4) the full story of girls in my life. they're totally in the dark about this one. dad perchance would understand. mom, never.

3) mmm. i smoke marijuana. my mom knows that i have in the past, but my dad doesn't . i'm pretty sure he doesn't, anyway. *

2) how exactly much living with them goes against every principle i hold dear. i love them to death, i don't wanna mooch off them at all. yeh yeh, i'm only 18 and they're my parents. but i'm 18. if i'm to be an adult, i should be able to fend for myself. i really resent not having a job. stewie offered me a spot moving into the new house. at a suprisingly affordable rate.

1) my utter aimlessness in life. i mean, the way i try my damndest at whatever i'm doing, but i don't particularly mind one way or another (though i do care). that's something either of them would have a hernia trying to wrap their heads around.

* i'm gonna ask my dad to smoke pot with me sometime. at least after i'm off of probation, and hopefully after i've moved out or whatnot. i'm not sure how he'd react, or how valid this would be.

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